The London Water Polo League is the oldest in the Country and possibly in the World. Formed in 1889, the league currently has around 25 affiliated clubs with nearly 150 teams playing in more than 25 different competetions, Championships and Divisions, including men, women, juniors and masters.
The LWPL is open to all Clubs and Associations that are Swim England affiliated to the London Region, South East Region or Eastern Region. We welcome teams of Masters, Men, Women and Juniors. If you are interested in joining the LWPL please contact our league Officials.
If you are a player looking to join a LWPL Club you will find contact details for all of the clubs and a location map to help find one near you.
All of the fixtures and results are on our Competitions page.
The LWPL handbook, blank match sheets and sanction forms are available in the Documents section.
Club | Home Pool | Contact | Email |
Avondale | Putney Leisure Centre | Focco Van der Vegt | fvandervegt@hotmail.com; gjmackay@yahoo.com; jo@blayneypersonnel.co.uk |
Barnet | Britannia Leisure Centre | Rosalia Eidipour | barnetwaterpolo@gmail.com |
Basingstoke Bluefins | Basingstoke Aquadrome | Gerald Lay | gerry.lay@btinternet.com |
Beckenham | West Wickham Leisure Centre | Nick Jackson | nicholas.jackson@hotmail.co.uk; spurr.matthew@gmail.com;
p_J_C1@hotmail.co.uk |
Bexley | White Oaks Leisure Centre | Alex Mallinson | mallinsonalex@gmail.com |
Blue Marlins | Xcel Leisure Centre | Brian Robinson | brobinson.wot@btinternet.com |
Chelmsford | Riverside Ice & Leisure | Michael Bowerfield | michael.bowerfield@gmail.com |
Crawley | K2 Crawley | Richard Woodman | rich@woodmanelectrical.co.uk |
Croydon Amphibians | Whitgift School | Chris Martin | cmartin@crl.uk.com |
Eastern Otter | Hornchurch Sports Centre Swimming Pool | Alan Fennell
Michael Stokes | alanfe@websters.co.uk; Michael.stokes@royalmail.com |
Enfield | Queen Elizabeth's School | Richard (Fred) Willey
Martin Waller | willeyrj@hotmail.co.uk; martinswimteacher@btinternet.com |
Guildford | Surrey Sports Park | Trevor Tied | trevor.tiedt@hotmail.com; guildfordwaterpolo@outlook.com |
Kingston Royals | Malden Centre | Bob Coram | bob.coram@balfourbeatty.com |
Leeches | Tooting Bec Lido | Brian Donnelly
David Leach | briandonnelly@live.ie; davidleach7@hotmail.co.uk |
London Orca | London Aquatics Centre | Kelvin Hall | waterpolo.admin@outtoswim.org |
Mid Sussex Marlins | The Triangle | Tim Fraser | waterpolo@midsussexmarlins.org; TIM@FRASERTK.UK |
Narwhals | Whitgift School | Matt Finch | mattfinch1974@gmail.com |
Otter | London Aquatics Centre | Leon Estrella | leon.estrella@gmail.com; pehindle@gmail.com; otter.hon.treasurer@gmail.com; mdelera84@gmail.com; oganase@gmail.com; grant.monk@gmail.com; bionafc@gmail.com |
Oxford City | Radley College Sports Centre | Beth Webster | blwebster@live.co.uk |
Penguin | Latymer Sports Centre | Claudio Palumbo
Ian Grimwood | claudiopalumbo@muadv.it; grimbo@iangrimwood.f9.co.uk |
Penguin | London Aquatics Centre | ||
Polytechnic | London Aquatics Centre | James Riddick | reddicj@gmail.com |
Reading | Athens Sports Centre Eton | Paul Hancock | paul.hancock@veolia.com |
Sutton & Cheam | Cheam Leisure Centre (Malden Road Baths) | Nigel Gornall | nigel.gornall@talk21.com |
Watford | Woodside Leisure Centre | Steve Chambers | stephen.chambers400@ntlworld.com |
Watford | The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School |
LWPL Winter Competitions 2019/20
Previous Seasons Results